Prosthesis Seal | Procedure Certification

The third pillar of DVSE training is currently the DVSE endoprosthesis seal as a procedure certification. Our shoulder and elbow prosthesis register SEPR has been established for years and has recently been adapted to the new requirements and the input has been simplified. Although arthroplasty is certainly not the most frequent procedure in terms of numbers, it plays a major role in terms of quality control. If you also enter your shoulder and elbow prostheses in the SEPR, you can make this visible to the outside world with the new DVSE endoprosthesis seals from March 1, 2022.

The awarding of the seals is based on both the DVSE certification for surgeons (basic and expert certificate) and the number and type of endoprostheses reported in the SEPR ( Shoulder and elbow arthroplasties are considered cumulatively.

The seals are available in 3 levels, gold, silver and bronze, and must be reapplied for annually via ClaCert.


  • At least one surgeon at the facility can demonstrate DVSE Shoulder and Elbow Expert Certification.

  • A minimum of 50 shoulder or elbow prostheses per year are entered into the SEPR with the scientific data set.

  • Already certified institutions will receive the seal corresponding to the number of cases of documented arthroplasties free of charge.
    The detailed criteria as well as the application for it can be viewed on the ClarCert homepage since February 1, 2022:

    ClarCert System Seal >>

Gold seal awarded

Deutsche Schulter- und Ellenbogenpraxis Ortho-Mainfranken Würzburg
Director | PD. Dr. med. Dirk Böhm
Deputy Director | Dr. med. Dorota Böhm

Deutsches Schulter- und Ellenbogenzentrum der ViDia Christliche Kliniken Karlsruhe
Leiter | Prof. Dr. med. Lars-Johannes Lehmann
Stellvertreter | Dr. med. Christian Gerhardt

Deutsche Schulter- und Ellenbogenklinik Rummelsberg
Leiter | Prof. Dr. med. Richard Stangl
Stellvertreter | PD Dr. med. Lars Eden

Schulterzentrum Südwestfalen, Diakonie-Klinikum Bethesda Freudenberg

Chefärztin: Dr. Birgit Schulz
Stellvertreter: Guido Harig


  • At least one surgeon at the facility can provide evidence of the DVSE Shoulder and Elbow Basic Certificate.

  • A minimum of 30 shoulder or elbow prostheses per year are entered into the SEPR with the basic data set.

Granted seal silver

Deutsche Schulter- und Ellenbogenklinik Vivantes Berlin Region Nord
Leiterin | Dr. med. Maike Müller
Stellvertreter | Dr. med. Sebastian Aryee


  • At least one surgeon at the facility can demonstrate the DVSE Shoulder and Elbow Basic Certificate.

  • At least one surgeon's DVSE membership must be presented in the first year after the seal is awarded.

  • A minimum of 15 shoulder or elbow prostheses per year are entered into the SEPR with the basic record.

Certification Commission

Our certification system for shoulder and elbow facilities is learning and shall be further developed by experiences and suggestions from the circle of members and institutions. This further development and adaptation is the responsibility of the Certification Commission, which is independent of DVSE. The members of this commission are Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Brunner as chairman, Prof. Dr. med. Lars-Johannes Lehmann as vice-chairman, PD Dr. med. Dirk Böhm, PD. Dr. med. Wolfgang Pötzl, Dr. med. Thomas Westphal as well as without voting rights the representatives of ClarCert Markus Bartl and Melissa Häußler.

Adjustment of the surveillance audits
At the suggestion of your group, the annual surveillance audits were to be simplified and thus made more cost-effective.
In the future, the surveillance audits will be carried out without an audit visit and only by document review.
The following criteria should be queried:

  1. Case numbers by level of difficulty and shoulder and elbow

  2. SEPR documentation

  3. Informal report on facility development over the past year

  4. Evidence of complication sessions

Since practices are expected to have less dynamic structures, on-site recertification audits will not take place until after five years, and annual surveillance will also take place without a visit via document review.
ClarCert will communicate the detailed rules and thus also the reduced costs in a separate circular and post them on the homepage.

Future tasks of the Structural Improvement, Transparency & Quality Commission:

The conceptual development of the certification of the facilities has been completed and a first procedure certification with the endoprosthesis seals has been initiated. The future task is the further development of the already started SOPs and the preparation of a possible further procedure certification.

Commission for Structural Improvement, Transparency & Quality

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