Certification system for centers, clinics and practices of the German, Austrian and Swiss Shoulder and Elbow Society r. A.

The D-A-CH Association for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (DVSE), as one of the largest and most member-rich scientific German-speaking organ societies, has for years pursued the goal of structural improvement, transparency and quality assurance in clinical care and scientific research in the field of shoulder and elbow surgery.

Based on the current care situation in Germany, the establishment of

  • German Shoulder and Elbow Centers (DSEZ)
  • German Shoulder and Elbow Clinics (DSEK)
  • German Shoulder and Elbow Practices (DSEP)

clinical and scientific expertise and quality are made visible and activity in the individual areas is increased.

The concept is based on a three-level structure and reflects the clinical and scientific focal points present in the various facilities. In addition to person-specific prerequisites, the tier concept is divided into three categories: Patient care, research, continuing education/teaching. For recognition, the institution must fulfill various requirements in the respective categories. The DSEZ cover the three pillars to a particularly high degree. The DSEK and DSEP are mapped in a graduated manner with reduced activity in the individual areas.

A distribution of the certified facilities can be seen on the map of Germany:

Map view >>

It is requested to submit the application documents to ClarCert. In the request form, important basic requirements are queried. If these are evaluated positively, an offer for certification will be made by ClarCert. If the institution agrees with the offer and wishes to initiate the certification procedure in a binding manner, the signed application form must be submitted, which is sent together with the offer. Subsequently, the certification procedure will be officially initiated.

The following clinics and practices have been successfully certified to date:

Already certified institutions >>

Already certified institutions:

ClarCert application documents >>

You can reach ClarCert as follows:

ClarCert GmbH
Markus Bartl
Gartenstraße 24
89231 Neu-Ulm

+49 731 70511657

©2024 DVSE | D-A-CH Vereinigung für Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie e.V.