Certified training

Certified training of the German, Austrian and Swiss Shoulder and Elbow Society r. A.

Application for a DVSE Certificate

Dear DVSE member,

We are pleased to welcome you to our homepage for the application of the DVSE Basic or Expert Certificate in "Shoulder and Elbow Surgery".

The DVSE, as a scientific society and section of the "German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery" (DGOU) and the German Society for Orthopaedic Surgery e.V. (DGOOC), offers an optional further education in addition to specialist training in the focus area of "Shoulder and Elbow Surgery". The aim is to structure and standardize, thus improving the training, as well as the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the area of treating diseases and injuries of the shoulder and elbow joints.

Here you can go to the members area.

DVSE certification

The training curriculum is built upon the DVSE patronage system for events in the field of shoulder and elbow surgery. The goal is to offer structured continuing education in shoulder and elbow surgery and to certify it. The foundation of the curriculum is thematically defined modules. Each module has minimum requirements for theoretical (lectures, seminars, etc.) and practical training (workshops).

To be eligible for the basic certificate, 100 hours of theory or practice across various modules must be completed. Courses for obtaining the basic certificate can be started during specialist medical training and applied for after obtaining the specialist degree. Practical trainings/observerships can optionally be completed at a DVSE training center, which may allow for a case-by-case reduction of the required theoretical or practical hours.

Courses for obtaining the expert certificate are possible after achieving the specialist degree. A total of 60 hours in expert modules (revision strategies, complication management, complex fracture care) must be completed. Additionally, to obtain the expert certificate, performing 250 operations in the shoulder-elbow area over 3 years is necessary, with one year being in a department specializing in shoulder/elbow surgery. Evidence must be submitted in a free form with a listing of OPS codes and the signature of the hospital director or administration. After successfully obtaining the expert certificate, continuous education (recertification) is required, with proof to be provided within 5 years.

Every DVSE member can at any time upload their certificates of participation in certified courses through the internal members' area and subsequently apply for the DVSE certificates upon reaching the necessary hours. Access data can be obtained from the DVSE office.

Should there be any specific questions about the certification, please contact the certification team directly at fortbildung@dvse.info

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